Salient Features of Indus Basin Irrigation System (Pakistan) - Barrages, Head-works, Canals Dams etc
I ndus Basin Irrigation System and it various Salient Features (Barrages, Headwork, Canals, and Dams) Irrigation means the artificial way of watering the crops. Pakistan is highly dependent on agriculture, which in turn is dependent on water. Of the79.6 million hectares of land that makeup Pakistan, 20 million are available for agricultural. Of those 20 million hectares, 16 million are dependent on irrigation. It is estimated that up to 90% of Pakistan's agriculture is dependent on irrigation . 67% of our land is irrigated due to little rainfall. The most important means of our irrigation is our system of canals. The progress of our country depends upon the means of irrigation and their progress. All parts except northern mountains depend upon irrigation. Our canals irrigate 70% of our lands while 14% is left for tube-wells, Persian wheels Karez and ponds. Irrigation Pakistan is Blessed with natural surface water and abundance of ground water as it is the part of ...